a living moment

when I was getting home from language class this evening I stood outside the subway-station waiting for the bus. the sun coloured the sky purple and pink and it looked more than unreal and also wonderful.
in this moment as a slightly cooling wind was the first sign for the cold night to begin I heard this song on radio thevoice.se.

at home I had to find this song. although youtube-postings about singers and stuff don't really make me remember feeling this moment in front of the dusk, I hope somebody felt or will feel something similar hearing this song. soft melody with strong beat coming with massive but not dominant drums to peak level of refrain and song-message. i like the voices and finally the orchestra-character.....fortunately just for short time disturbed from a strange keyboard-part.

it was ment for such moments - I m sure.

just no plan

what should I write about. should I try to write in Swedish.
I prefer reading than writing.